The Lutyens
These chimneypieces by
Sir Edwin Lutyens have
been carefully chosen to
show his unique ability
to translate the traditional
architectural vocabulary
into new forms that
successfully combine
classicism and modernity.
Pattern No. 1
A re-working of the bolection with
the raised moulding framing the
aperture, in statuary marble.
Opening 40"(1016)W x 40"(1016)H
Shelf 591/2"(1511)L x 35/8"(92)D
Overall size 601/4"(1530)W x 493/4"(1264)H
Depth of rebate 1"(25)
Depth of jamb 47/8"(124)
Height of footblock 6"(152)
Pattern No. 2
Lutyens re-imagined the bolection in
many diferent forms. This is a robust
example with deep mouldings carved
in statuary marble.
Opening 40"(1016)W x 40"(1016)H
Shelf 60"(1524)L x 41/8"(105)D
Overall size 601/2"(1537)W x 50"(1270)H
Depth of rebate 1"(25)
Depth of jamb 67/8"(175)
Height of footblock 57/8"(149)
Pattern No. 1
Pattern No. 2
Pattern No. 3
THe WorLD’s mosT beauTifuL firepLaces